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Outlier/Interquartile Range Calculator


Interquartile range: 159
Outlier(s): none
Potential outlier(s): 73, 121

See the outliers and potential outliers highlighted in the sorted data set here:
73, 121, 506, 507, 516, 523, 537, 552, 563, 602, 605, 607, 657, 675, 685, 688, 689, 854


The interquartile range, IQR, is the difference between Q3 and Q1. In this data set, Q3 is 675 and Q1 is 516. Subtract Q1, 516, from Q3, 675. $$ IQR = 675 - 516 = 159 $$ You can use the 5 number summary calculator to learn steps on how to manually find Q1 and Q3.

To find outliers and potential outliers in the data set, we first need to calculate the value of the inner fences and outer fences. The inner fences are defined by: $$ Q1 - (1.5 \cdot IQR) \text{ and } Q3 + (1.5 \cdot IQR) $$ For this data set: $$ 516 - (1.5 \cdot 159) \text{ and } 675 + (1.5 \cdot 159) $$ $$ \text{Inner fences: } 277.5 \text{ and } 913.5$$

The outer fences are defined by: $$ Q1 - (3 \cdot IQR) \text{ and } Q3 + (3 \cdot IQR) $$ For this data set: $$ 516 - (3 \cdot 159) \text{ and } 675 + (3 \cdot 159) $$ $$ \text{Outer fences: } 39 \text{ and } 1152 $$

The inner and outer fences are listed below. Potential outliers are any values in our data set that fall between the inner fences and outer fences, inclusive. Outliers are any values that fall outside of the outer fences.

Outliers Outer fence Inner fence Inner fence Outer fence Outliers
39 277.5 913.5 1152

If there are any outliers in this data set, they will either be less than 39 or greater than 1152. Potential outliers will be between 39 and 277.5, inclusive or between 913.5 and 1152, inclusive.

In this data set, there are no outliers.
In this data set, the potential outlier(s) is/are: 73, 121